3 research outputs found

    Implementing Nature-based Solutions and Green Infrastructure for Cities, Citizens and Rivers - The SEE-URBAN-WATER Project

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    Cities and their rivers are undergoing significant transformations owing to the impact of multiples challenges at a time such as rapid population growth, infrastructure development, and climate change. The consequences are evident in increased flood risks, groundwater pollution, accelerated soil erosion, drinking water scarcity, green space depletion, and biodiversity loss. In light of this, interest in novel concepts such as Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) is growing, extending beyond academia to influence micro-, meso-, and macro-urban scales. Motivated by the potential of NbS to deliver social, ecological, and societal benefits, the SEE-URBAN-WATER (SUW) research group aimed to provide a robust knowledge and methodological basis for achieving socio-ecological transformation through the inter- and transdisciplinary planning, design, and implementation of NbS and Green Infrastructures in highly urbanized areas susceptible to environmental and climate risks. From 2018 to 2023, SUW, funded within the framework of the Research for Sustainability program (known by its German acronym FONA) by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (abbreviated to BMBF in German), produced numerous master’s and doctoral theses, methodological frameworks, scientific publications, and technical guidelines. Nevertheless, this book goes beyond being a mere compendium of these outcomes; it clearly illustrates the systematic inter- and transdisciplinary evolution and interconnection of ideas for building more socially and environmentally resilient cities

    Analysis and management of mobility between Av. Honorio Delgado and Hospital Cayetano Heredia based on the comfort of people with physical disabilities

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    La falta de accesibilidad en las ciudades es uno de los principales problemas a nivel mundial. Esto se intensifica para las personas con discapacidad llegando a ser un factor de discriminación. En la mayoría de las ciudades, en los últimos años se ha podido observar que las condiciones de diseño concebidas en su etapa de creación del entorno urbano no satisfacen a todos los sectores de la población, pues los parámetros de construcción anteriores no consideraban, en muchos casos, el desplazamiento de las personas con discapacidad, generando exclusión social a través de la inaccesibilidad no solo al transporte si no a desplazarse adecuadamente por las calles. En el Perú, las personas con discapacidad representan el 10.4% (Inei,2017), sin embargo, en los alrededores de los centros de salud representa un 70% de usuarios. Una encuesta refleja que los establecimientos de Salud son uno de los principales lugares en donde las personas con discapacidad tienen mayor dificultad para ingresar y/o desplazarse (Inei,2012). Debido a todo lo mencionado, la presente investigación parte por el interés de analizar la situación actual y realizar mejoras mediante el software Vissim/Viswalk y el modelo matemático de Fuerza Social, el cual permite que cumpla con una mejor gestión de la movilidad en los alrededores de centros hospitalarios en base al confort de las personas con discapacidad física, considerando aspectos como seguridad, dimensiones biológicas y psicológicas que permitan mejorar la calidad de vida de estas personas, dando prioridad al peatón.The lack of accessibility in cities is one of the main problems worldwide. This is intensified for people with disabilities becoming a factor of discrimination. In most cities, in recent years it has been observed that the design conditions conceived in its stage of creation of the urban environment do not satisfy all sectors of the population, since the previous construction parameters did not consider, in many cases, cases, the displacement of people with disabilities, generating social exclusion through inaccessibility not only to transport but also to move properly through the streets. In Peru, people with disabilities represent 10.4% (Inei, 2017), however, around 70% of the users of health centers. A survey shows that health facilities are one of the main places where people with disabilities have greater difficulty to enter and / or move (Inei, 2012). Due to all the aforementioned, the present investigation is based on the interest of analyzing the current situation and making improvements through the Vissim software, which will allow us to comply with a better management of mobility in the surroundings of hospital centers based on the comfort of people with physical disabilities, considering aspects such as security, biological and psychological dimensions that allow improving the quality of life of these people, giving priority to the pedestrian. These improvements start from a new distribution of pedestrian trips considering an exclusive design for people with disabilities taking advantage of the central separator that is currently used as green areas.Tesi

    Guías Verdes: Infraestructura Verde para la cuidad, sus cuidadanos y sus ríos

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    SEE-URBAN-WATER, en español VISIÓN URBANA DEL AGUA (VUA), es un grupo de investigación que explora enfoques innovadores para enfrentar los desafíos relacionados con la gestión de agua a través de estudios socio- ecológicos y la promoción e implementación de soluciones basadas en la naturaleza en cuencas urbanas. VUA promueve el conocimiento a través de un proceso transdisciplinario basándose en dos conceptos claves: la Infraestructura Verde Urbana y los Servicios Ecosistémicos